Saturday, September 8, 2007

The first two weeks of fourth grade...

So what is the hardest thing about fourth grade so far? Why is it the hardest? Do you know why you are being asked to do whatever it is?


Anonymous said...

the hardest part of 4 grade is having to hold my bladder in class.

christian lopez

Anonymous said...

So far fourth grade has been easy.But as the third week rolled around things got harder.I mostly don't understand math.Sometimes it just dooesn't make sense to me.I'm trying my best.

Anonymous said...

THE hardest ting in fourthgrad was math.

Anonymous said...

I think the hardest thing in class is social studies.Although nothing comes hard to me in fourth grade so far I am just chosing a sbjecet.Math is acually the easiest out of all the subjectes.

Anonymous said...

so far it`s easy!Math is the one that is easy.(Well maybe for me.)We all miss our old third grade teachers,but I think we well have a great year!!!

GOOD BYE!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I am in Mr.Kootman's class.Ihave had fun the past few weeks and,I have learned alot.right now I am learning about subtracting across zeros.I find it kind of easy but,I might have things I need to work on as weeks go by.I don't think fourth grade is the hardest grade so far.MR.Kootman is now teaching me things I need to know.I hope 3 level kids have fun being in third grade.HAVE FUN!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Today we did math it was subtract and add grater numbers.Then green group on computer by.

Anonymous said...

MR.kootman i like the name cooper and what ever your other dog,s name is theyer grat. and cool!

Anonymous said...

I realy like fourth grade it is fun.Last week we did a class blog and it is graded I hope I get an A.Then I would get a supprise on my birthday.

Anonymous said...

SO far MR.kootman,s class is easy in till math started...bellev it! who i just had to get that out of me. bellev me i did! so i did! yet the hardest thing to me is youga. but is RELLEY exsit,s me is i,m going to get my inster ment!

Anonymous said...

So far I like forth grade I really like what Mr.kootman was teaching us.When we got to the third week things was going real hard and quick.but I'm trying my very best to keep up with every one well BYE!!!

Anonymous said...

TO DAY IS GRAT!!! I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow Mr.Kootman is one of the greats teachers I have ever had through my live.I steil wonder when we do scince in our scince book?The marble jar is realy cool for our behavr.

Anonymous said...

The hardest thing so far is subtracting from zeros. I think by the end of the week I may get it. I have been practicing and I hope I keep up the good work.

D Kootman said...

That was a difficult standard for many students. I agree that with practice it will get much easier. Keep up the great effort!

Anonymous said...

TO day is grat! when we get are insterment,s we will practis and practis. and im going to play a trumpet. in till my mouth hurts! it is going to be grat! and im going to love it! and take good care of it. and play it when i get it.

Anonymous said...

The hard thing in 4th grad is math

Anonymous said...

The hardest part of fourth grade is getting our homework on time

Anonymous said...

to day the class lost a lot of marbie,s and i`m very mad to! we need help. help us!

Anonymous said...

fourth grade is nothing compaired to third grade...................

Anonymous said...

so far in school math has been hard.and you have been making us do it for us to learn

your friend,


Anonymous said...

so far so good mr.Kootman rocks