- What is the number one gift you are looking forward to getting for the holidays?
- Describe what it is using solid details (pretend that other people have never heard of it and you have to tell them).
- Do you think you will get it?
- Respond to others posts too :)
TO day i`m so HAPPY!
I want an ipod and my own computer for christmas.A computer is a thing some of you may be on right now.An ipod is a thing you listen to like music,and i also want a cell phone.A cell phone is a thing grown-ups have to call someone with.
I am looking forward to getting a Train and Play Rescue Pet.It is a fun,interactive,and electronical toy puppy that you can actually train and play with,Isn't that cool!?!?
I would like some fun movies for when it is raining and I can't go outside.
Im looking for a new hockey stick
I realy wanted a MP3 player and when my mom got back from shoping for presents I asked if she bought me a Barbie Girl and she said no because it was to expenseve then at christmas I got one!!!!You can unlock a furturial worrld with it and Lauryn (a girl in my class)has one to so we can talk to eackother online and go to eachothers rooms and shop together!!!!!!!
i want a new game for my gamecube
i got guitar hero three also i got a ripstik and a boston bruins hockey blanket. also some PSP games
I wanted a mp3player but my mom said no becuse im young.
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